Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Morning craziness...

Today, I woke to one of those days everyone dreads. I didn't sleep well. My dear husband tossed and turned half the night. I felt like I was dreaming of a really bad ship where the tide never dies down. I woke abruptley at my alarm and then hit snooze. Why, oh why do I do that to myself? The one day I have to get everyone ready (i.e. me, the kid, the dog etc.) I get up late. Sigh. So, at 6:35, I find myself dragging my 6 year old out of bed and needless to say she's in the mood to question EVERYTHING. "Mommy, why don't I ever get to turn on the light?" Really? I think... Really? Of all the things for her to start complaining about first thing it's why she can't turn on the light. I try to ignore her discontent and just get it done. Her complaints then take on the issues of wanting to wear a winter coat she's outgrown, picking up the neighbor little girl's scarf and insisting she could be "Alise" for the day, and ranting about her hair and how she wants to it to look "poofy" like a 17-year old. Maybe we should invest in a bumpit? Thinking back now, its all so silly. But at the moment, it was one more weapon to add to morning's evil arsonal of things to annoy me.

Then, naturally, after scrambling around to get myself ready and finally getting out of the house, I decided to go down Hwy. 81. Michael always insists its SO much faster than 431. I regretted my decision shortly after. Why, oh why is it that at 7:45 in the morning, the farmers feel the need to pull out in front of 4 cars back to back which are all already running late and just trying to make it in on time, only to slow down to 40 mph? This baffles me. Of course, thanks to said farmer man, I was late to work. I guess I'll chalk it up to a learning experience. Tomorrow, I vow to try to drag my lazy butt out of bed at least 45 minutes earlier and drive the normal route to work, where I at least know there is somewhere to pass without a wild turkey jumping out in front of me... Not sure what I mean, hunters, drive down Hwy. 81 if you are having trouble finding your game. They're all hanging out there looking to hitch a ride.

So that was the beginning of my day. I am now knee deep in car ads and decided to take a three minute break to rant. I feel better I suppose. Now back to the grind. Perhaps later I'll post a much happier and more enlightening blog about how a gloomy day can turn around. My prayer is that I am granted some sort peace and patience from the Lord and that I get everything done. Maybe some yummy chinese food from Hong Kong will make it all seem better. Maybe. :)

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