Friday, November 19, 2010

"Has anyone seen my husband?"

Michael and I went to Best Buy over lunch and officially bought him a new XBox 360 and the new Fable III game. Its funny how such an inanimate object can mean so much to someone. My husband, Mr. Gamer, was so excited that at every stop light he'd gaze into the back seat at his new toy. I know it sounds pretty silly to some but for him, this was like an early Christmas. A few months ago, Michael's Xbox got as he called it the "red ring of death." Apparently, the early edition consoles had a malfunction where they have a tendency to overheat. He has since moped (literally) around the house with sad puppy eyes and whined about the loss of his beloved games and Xbox live. Needless to say, I'll be lucky if he even comes to bed over the course of the weekend as he makes up lost time. I guess there are many worse places he could be than holed up in our living room with a controller and the TV. Maybe this will finally give me the opportunity to get caught up on some homework and enjoy making homemade ornaments and decorate sugar cookies with Amelia. We so rarely get to spend the evening doing something just fun that it makes it so much more special when we do. In addition, I have eating at Patti's Settlement to look forward to for Michael's birthday tomorrow. While I know Michael will get his traditional hot brown, I'm so much more indecisive. I think I'll just play it by ear and see where my taste buds lead me. I love going there and can't wait to see if the restaurant has already put up their Christmas decorations. I sure hope so and that we can take some impromptu family photos while there. It always proves to be a great time with regardless for all of us.

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